Orthopedic Center
Friday, September 20, 2024

Audio Presentation

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome


Your Body
  Your Body
  Medical Record
  Before Surgery
  Your Procedure
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Before we talk about treatment, let's start with a discussion about the human body and about your medical condition.

Your doctor has recommended that you undergo hand surgery to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. But what exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome?
Your doctor has recommended that you undergo hand surgery to treat carpal tunnel syndrome. But what exactly is carpal tunnel syndrome?
The median nerve, which carries sensation to the thumb and first three fingers, passes through a natural passageway in the wrist.
The median nerve, which carries sensation to the thumb and first three fingers, passes through a natural passageway in the wrist.
This opening - called the carpal tunnel
This opening - called the carpal tunnel
- is formed by arch-shaped wrist bones
- is formed by arch-shaped wrist bones
and a connecting ligament.
and a connecting ligament.
Various conditions, such as pregnancy, injury, arthritis and changes in the tendons caused by repetitive motion can crowd the already narrow tunnel, putting pressure on the nerve.
Various conditions, such as pregnancy, injury, arthritis and changes in the tendons caused by repetitive motion can crowd the already narrow tunnel, putting pressure on the nerve.
This added pressure can cause a tingling sensation in the fingers and the thumb and may even lead to numbness, pain and restricted movement.
This added pressure can cause a tingling sensation in the fingers and the thumb and may even lead to numbness, pain and restricted movement.
This combination of symptoms is called the carpal tunnel syndrome.
This combination of symptoms is called the carpal tunnel syndrome.

So make sure that you ask your doctor to carefully explain the reasons behind this recommendation.

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